Thursday, May 7, 2015

Gallery Art Reflections and Thoughts

I really liked Carries piece. I was really intrigued by here use of color in the eyes and everywhere else was black and white. I also really liked the detail of the silhouettes inside the eyes as well. I found that the drawing just confined to the eyes was very powerful and definitely sent a message. With the context that I know in regards to Daraja I really found this picture interesting.

Along with Carries piece I was really intrigued by Jacks collage he made in photoshop. I really liked his piece as I watched him put it together in photoshop. I really liked the symmetry of his piece as well as the darker tone of colors. His piece did gave me some ideas for a future project in which I'd want to incorporate photoshop in some way. Along with the symmetry and colors I thought the theme of Jack's piece or what I think it is surrounding issues of pollution, industry and its effects on nature is very interesting.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Early May Reflection

                I really like to work with water as I always have, but in general I really like to work with the natural world. (I really enjoyed the ephemeral project). I would like to stick to the digital photography in the future as I am doing so now. I am not big on the whole photoshop projects and what not but I'd really like to attempt at making a collage or something with photoshop blending pictures together. I thought Jack's project was pretty cool and it gave me some ideas for possible projects in the future. I also would prefer to move towards a final piece to end the project rather than have a daily practice. For my final project, whatever it may be, I would like to evoke a sense of mystery through abstractness, maybe another thing could be making things that are small look larger than they actually are. I don't necessarily have specific emotions I'd like to evoke out of my final project, I think that'll depend on what I decide to photograph and focus on. On a side note, for next year or whatever project is next, I'd really like to try out taking photos at night and try time lapses. Looking at videos and google images I'm really excited to try some things out for next year or even possibly in the next month.