Friday, October 3, 2014

My Artistic Voice - guided free write

Habits, I tend to use similar colors in my project primarily blue. I also like to create pictures with symmetry and focus on one object, person, animal ect. I love making art because of the great feeling after completing a project/series of pictures that I am proud of. My favorite series/project was from last year in intermediate photo which was my picture book I made. this was my favorite because i felt as an artist that project exemplified my abilities and interest as a photographer fairly well. I like to work in digital photography. I tend go back to are focusing in on one object, I also like to focus on scenery such as landscapes what not in my projects. I felt that the predator prey relationship was a good idea that came from my voice and was a contributions to the project. Especially the setting being in the snow. I believe as an artist I am able to express my voice without using words but rather my art.  

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