Thursday, October 9, 2014

Final Blog Reflection - Voyeurism

Conceptual Intentions:
           We chose to evoke a predator prey relationship in our project as the unseen spectator. We wanted the predator to be the unseen spectator. After numerous ideas brought up in our brainstorming phase, we felt that this was the most intriguing idea. I felt I really gained an appreciation for sculpture. I really enjoyed the week long process of creating our 3d diorama. Although no one in our group was very skilled in sculpture we were still able to create a very realistic, winter landscape. The composition of the photos and landscape features of the diorama evoke my voice as an artist. I feel that as the project progressed I changed and altered our base ideas to accommodate my ideas as an artist as well as my fellow group members.

Stretch and Explore:
             At the very start of the project we wanted to evoke a man made vs. nature relationship using an animal and a camera. But after a day we decided that the predator prey relationship would be more intriguing. As the project progressed, especially when we were photographing our project, we were constantly changing the angles and perspective of the viewer. We finally chose a photo that we felt most resembled our first intentions for the project. Occurrences that led to these changes came after we would observe our work from the previous day. We would upload our photos, go through all of them and then decide what we need to change and improve. During the sculpture process we ran into many obstacles as we were unable to create many of our initial ideas as we did not have the materials or knowledge of how to create these things such as a peak of a mountain. I feel that we could have used some more trees to make a denser forrest and that way we could play with depth of field and lighting a little more. I also think that we could have used a different substance for our fake snow because it was fairly messy. But other than that I think we did a very good job with our approach to the project.

Formal Intentions:
            Formal concerns for this project were our ability to really capture and evoke the sense of an unseen spectator. Another concern was if we were going to be able to create a realistic diorama to photograph. I felt that just purely working on the project and spending a week photographing and a week creating the sculpture allowed me to gain a deep understanding of how to photograph a model diorama and what affects to use in order to make it realistic. To make our photos have sense of realism to the viewer we used a fog machine to blur the background. We also added small details to the model animals such as placing snow on their backs as well as the trees. I felt the these concerns definitely expanded the conceptual experience of the project as I felt I learned a lot from my experience.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Still Life

Photos of still life sculpture

Not part of the still life sculpture but I thought this was a pretty cool photo

Monday, October 6, 2014

Unseen Spectator Reflection

           Our intentions in this project were to capture the predator prey relationship by using the model wolf and deer. We also really wanted to retain a wintery, cold feel in our project that is why we decided to make this photo black and white. I believe we were able to capture a very ominous scene with our use of the fog machine and different camera angles. We felt that focusing on one of the model animal would really evoke the ambiguousness of the photo but still evoking the predator prey relationship. In our photo we focused in on the wolf thus blurring the deer. Although it may be hard to make out the deer in the photo I feel that it adds to the obscure aspect of the photo as well as the predator prey relationship. The wolf was meant to be the unseen spectator as he is supposed to be stalking his prey, the deer.  I felt that our sculpture was well put together and allowed us to get a sense of realism in out photos (especially the use of the fog machine). I felt that I was able to not only contribute to the photography aspect but also the sculpture parts of the project. But I believe that all together each group member contributed equally. Comments on our photos were that our photo evoked a feeling of anticipation, coldness, winter, fear, ominous and mysterious. We were told we could improve out photos by cropping and limiting the view in the photo. We were also advised to lighted some of the darks.

Friday, October 3, 2014

My Artistic Voice - guided free write

Habits, I tend to use similar colors in my project primarily blue. I also like to create pictures with symmetry and focus on one object, person, animal ect. I love making art because of the great feeling after completing a project/series of pictures that I am proud of. My favorite series/project was from last year in intermediate photo which was my picture book I made. this was my favorite because i felt as an artist that project exemplified my abilities and interest as a photographer fairly well. I like to work in digital photography. I tend go back to are focusing in on one object, I also like to focus on scenery such as landscapes what not in my projects. I felt that the predator prey relationship was a good idea that came from my voice and was a contributions to the project. Especially the setting being in the snow. I believe as an artist I am able to express my voice without using words but rather my art.