Thursday, January 16, 2014

Digital Photography reflection

Exposure triangle photographs--what are the strengths of of these 3-5 images

I think that the strengths of these 5 photographs is the variation of color and lighting. I think that the lighting in almost all the photos really makes each one (to me at least) strong in certain aspects. I feel that using depth of field to get certain parts of the photo in focus and some out of focus really adds to the composition of the photos. I think that using a low ISO also added to the sharpness of some of my photos further separating the difference of the in focus and out of focus parts of each image.

High key/low key--post one high and one low key image, what works about them

I had a lot of trouble taking a good high key picture so I am leaving the results of my attempts at high key pictures out of this post. But I was able to capture a, in my opinion, good low key photo. In this image I believe that the use of a very high shutter speed I was able to capture the actual flames of the fire in my image. I think that the darkness of the image really evokes the brightness and orange/yellow flames of the fire.

Off camera flash / studio lights--2-5 images, address how the use of light serves the image

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