Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Final Value Project Post

Reflection: After Using pencil for a quarter of my drawing I decided to move to charcoal because it seemed more efficient and I also needed to get my photographs done in the dark room. I had trouble really making the darks and the lights pop when using the pencil but when I moved to charcoal it was much easier to make the darks and lights. This project I feel has given me a much better understanding of shading and darks and lights which is something I have always had trouble on when drawing, painting ect. In the darkroom my pictures were somewhat similar to my charcoal drawing if you look at my object. I say they are similar because they both have a light and a dark showing value. I liked working in the dark room much more and felt more comfortable there because drawing isn't my favorite thing to do. I feel that my drawing gave me more opportunities for expression because I can control all the parts of the picture especially the fabric. I would spend more time on the drawing and spend much more time taking the actual pictures because a lot of the pictures that I likes didn't turn out well and I wasn't able to use them. 

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