Wednesday, November 14, 2012


1.) I was able to create my photos with the camera then crop them and improve them in aperture and photoshop. With the camera I used the "focus"on the camera to change my pictures giving me a large variety to choose from. Then in aperture and photoshop I was able to experiment with the different colors by making them lighter, darker, brighter, dimmer and so on. With photoshop I was able to make shapes and fill those shapes with the different colors from the picture using the tools in photoshop in order to make the color design in each picture above.
2.) I feel that the tools and methods that were key for me in this project were the zoom and zoom out on the camera, the focus on the camera and aperture was a very key in improving my photos. There were also other things that helped me in this process for making my final images but these three I probably used the most. Photoshop was also important but to improve my pictures it didnt really help.
3.) I used my skills of observation when walking around the campus to search for the different color schemes monochromatic, analogous, triadic and my free choice. I would first take a look at the color wheel and then search for objects that would make one of the color schemes.
4.) This project has taught me to observe color very well. On the color wheel for each color there are many shades of each so sometimes I would find a yellow, blue or green but they would be too different from the yellow, blue or green i needed on the color wheel. In order to succeed in this project I had to observe color very well. I feel that my color observation skills have greatly improved. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Diptych: paper cut out and rayogram

           I explored the element of shape and technique through the many different ways I cut out shapes. I tried organic and geometric shapes. My organic shapes came out much better than the geometric shapes due to the way I was cutting. If I messed up on an organic shape I could overcome it and make another shape that looked even better. If I made a mistake on the geometric shape I would have to redo it and start over.
           I explored the various principles of design by rearranging my many shapes over and over again to get a sense of balance, directional movement, harmony and so on. For the paper cut out many shapes and then kept rearranging them going through each different design "type".  In the end my final diptych turned out fairly well. The two compositions were similar but not entirely the same.
           I have come to understand and appreciate compositions more due to the exploring and various compositions that I made. During the paper cut I felt that I gained a better understanding when I tried making a cut out for each design "type" and explored with the arrangement of the shapes.
           I feel that I have been thorough and involved in the reflective and evaluative process. In the peer pairings i felt that I was able to give and receive helpful comments on the paper cut and rayogram. throughout the process I would ask the classmates at my table what they thought about the current draft of my paper cut I often got helpful ideas and or ways I could make it better.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

In Process Reflection: I feel that this composition was a success because it turned out how close to what I was aiming for when I started the process. On each side I feel that there is a balance, it isn't symmetric but they resemble each other closely.

Rayogram: In the rayogram that is going to resemble this paper cut I am going to make the composition balanced and somewhat organic. In the paper cut I was going for an organic ocean like feel to the composition.

Rayogram: My rayogram that is going to resemble my paper cut

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I put this picture into the balance section on the wall. I put this in balance because I felt that it has a sense of symmetry and balance on both sides of the picture.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Wire Sculptures!!!!! Usian Bolt Figure (Running)

Final Reflection:
- My sculpture articulates motion in the way that it is bending showing the persons action and motion.
- Throughout the project i started out with a very small sense about how to make a wire sculpture with a sense of more than two dimensions. As I progressed I constantly changed my wire sculpture by bending it differently to give it a better sense of the persons motion. I feel that I now have a much better sense of making wire sculptures.
- My sculpture does look like my preliminary sketches. There is not much that I would say is different from my sketches.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ideas for wire sculpture and reflection on the picture ---- Usain Bolt

I feel that the sense of motion interests me in this picture. The picture really shows the strength of the runner and his movement. In this picture the person is running in the 2012 London Olympics. The athlete is Usain Bolt running for Jamaica. I'd like to, in my wire sculpture, capture the sense of movement of the runner.