Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Critique - Tracy

The critique was definitely encouraging for me in the process of my work.  The biggest piece of advice I received was to really focus not he progression of abstract to clarity. I really want to work with this piece of advice and implement it into my work for the next couple weeks. I also want to work with different colors in my project. So in all I somewhere in the middle of the process in terms of having a final product. I have taken a good amount of pictures to use (could always benefit from more though) and I feel that I just need to find a solid idea to base the rest of my project on. I think I have a good idea and I will work to develop it over the next week and start on it in photoshop.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Me in Portfolio Review

How does coming to art class help you as a student? 

           I would say that coming to art class helps me as a student as I am able to develop a creative way of thinking when approaching projects and assignments in this class. Coming to class and always finding something to do in order to benefit my practice as a whole has been a very productive skill that I have started formed over the last year in art class. I now always find something to work on that will benefit myself and or my project by creating new ideas, polishing my work among many other things.

What are you excited about in this class?

           I am excited for portfolio this year as I am able to find my own path in creating independent projects based on my own interest and strengths in photography (I also hope to try new things as well). I like how we are given so much freedom to really discover our own projects and are given time to think about and decide how we will use our medium to complete the project we decide on.

What do i need to know about you to support you this year?

          I would say I need some guidance in terms of each project. Having conversations with you tends to shed some light on a specific direction to head in terms of a final piece. I also think having set deadlines and a schedule to go by will also help me out especially once I know what I need to shoot and what work needs to be done in class.