Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Portfolio Project #1 Critique

          After the critique I got a lot of awesome feedback on my project. A few people really emphasized my use of directional movement, which I think focuses to a few parts of the piece. With that being said I think that for my final piece I definitely want to make the light more directional in its movement. I also could organize the pictures into a more defined triangle shapes for each picture, this was another comment from a classmate. I got a lot of people saying it is confusing and abstract which is really what I am trying to go for so in a sense that was good to hear. I would like to make the piece a little more intentional with its abstractness which I will work on after I am able to go out at night and shoot again. Other comments included geometry and shape. Also I will continue to play with in focus and out of focus pictures and try an create a contrast between the two as I continue the project (had some comments regarding focus and symmetry). For the conceptual part of the of the project many mentioned that my collage evoked a sense of distance, solitude, fire/energy and liveliness. I really wanted this piece to evoke a sense of distance and separation from society as like the contrast between vibrant society and darkness, so I was really glad that I was able to translate this message into my work.