Friday, September 21, 2012

Wire Sculptures!!!!! Usian Bolt Figure (Running)

Final Reflection:
- My sculpture articulates motion in the way that it is bending showing the persons action and motion.
- Throughout the project i started out with a very small sense about how to make a wire sculpture with a sense of more than two dimensions. As I progressed I constantly changed my wire sculpture by bending it differently to give it a better sense of the persons motion. I feel that I now have a much better sense of making wire sculptures.
- My sculpture does look like my preliminary sketches. There is not much that I would say is different from my sketches.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ideas for wire sculpture and reflection on the picture ---- Usain Bolt

I feel that the sense of motion interests me in this picture. The picture really shows the strength of the runner and his movement. In this picture the person is running in the 2012 London Olympics. The athlete is Usain Bolt running for Jamaica. I'd like to, in my wire sculpture, capture the sense of movement of the runner.